
Reiki Symbols and Ho'oponopono 大阪レイキ(Osaka Reiki)

Greetings everyone!

Last Wednesday I had to miss our weekly Wednesday reiki share. I'm sorry, but I had an important engagement. Misa tells me that my Ho'oponopono post (via her wonderful Japanese translation) has made a little bit of a stir amoung our members. Apparently it was the hot topic of conversation.

I am not surprised. It is making huge waves in my life and my reiki practice. I am wondering how I can integrate the two more completely. This morning I used a combination of reiki symbols and ho'oponopono to clean and strengthen my vision-shelf.

My vision-shelf is the place in my room next to my bed that I look at every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up. It has important things I have received from people, various knick knacks, and a vision board with my goals, dreams, and things I want to focus on.

I started this vision-shelf when I was going through the most difficult time in my life. It helped me get through deep depression and despair. Consequently it is a very inspiring symbol to me of hope and personal empowerment. Also consequently, it has many negative memories in it, so today I used ho'oponopono to clean those memories for the firs time.

As I was using reiki symbols and ho'oponopono cleaning methods to energize this precious part of my room, I could feel the change in it. I kept repeating "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, and thank you" while drawing the reiki symbols on each item that carried a negative memory. It was the first time I tried using ho'oponopono and reiki symbols in tandem. The effect was staggering. My vision-shelf is now almost fully erased of negative memories. With this cleansing, I can now look at it without the hidden subconcious mixed feelings that I now realize I must have had all this time.

I am looking forward to continuing what appears to be a powerful combination. The soft subtle energy of reiki combining with the simplistic beauty of ho'oponopono. The possiblities are endless and I can't wait to see where it leads me.

Until next time. . .

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