
September 23rd and 30th Reiki Shares

Wow! I must apologize for being so late on my entries lately. I guess I am having trouble returning to my routine after having so many amazing travels and so many wonderful guests come to visit me here in Minoh over the last 2 months.

Despite my lack of writing about it, the last two reiki shares have been wonderful. We have had a new English speaking guest each of the last two times. It makes for a more dynamic and interesting group when we can have such guests and I hope to get them more of you guys in the future.

We have started to have more of a consistent group coming since the end of the summer and it makes for a nice energy. An energy of comradery and familiarity definitely help make the reiki energy flow.

I found myself absolutely exhausted almost every day last week for no apparent reason. Misa was having a similar problem the night of our reiki share last week. But of course, the next day was great as usual and I had my normal reiki high as did Misa. The entire weekend was more of the same tiredness, but today I seem to be recovered and after visiting Hykuten Sensei's reiki share in Kyoto, I expect last weeks doldrums to be fully behind me.

We just found out that we have been having some Japanese readers to this blog. So welcome to you too. We hope to see you on Wednesday sometime.

Peace to you all.

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