In August I had a friend from England visit me. He and I have always felt very drawn to Hawaii since we met and lived in the same small town of Koniya on Amami Oshima.
His girlfriend asked him to give me a book for her. It was called Zero Limits written by Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.
The funny thing about this book, is that I started to read it a week ago, and the very next day, Misa started talking about the book as well. So I now feel compelled to write a little bit about it. It is really starting to pull me in.
The book is about a very interesting healing tecnique. As the story goes, Dr. Len healed an entire mental hospital full of extremely violent mental patients. He did this without even meeting them. According to accounts he just looked at their files and repeated four phrases over and over again
"I love you."
"I'm sorry."
"Please forgive me."
"Thank you."
The idea is that we must take complete responsibility for everything-including the illness and problems of others. As soon as we become aware of another's problem, it becomes our problem and we can solve it by healing the part of us that helped make it.
It is based on the idea that we have to go the a place of zero where there is no thinking. Dr. Len calls it "the Divine." One way to get there is to say, "I love you." Over and over. Then you can become in zero and access intuitive and creative power of the divine.
I find myself becoming more and more interested. I am hoping to attend a seminar while I am back home in the states at Christmas time. I will be in Hawaii from December 31st and I am doubly hoping that I can find one there. What better place to learn about it first hand than in the place where it originated.
If you have any questions about it or want to take a look at the book before buying it, I will be bringing it to our reiki share this Wednesday, so come on by.
Until next time. . .
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