This was a much quieter event than our blockbuster opening night. It made for a very cozy and relaxed atmosphere. We had only 5 participants this time which made things easier on yours truly since I didn't have Hyakuten Sensei to fall back on when I made a mistake.
There was no requests for long distance healing, so we will have to wait until next time to continue our anecdotal study of this mysterious aspect of reiki.
I want to thank Atsuko and Brian for their continuing support in this and of course Misa Sakamoto and her family who as I said before have made this easier than I could imagine.
One of our participants wants to get her first level as soon as possible so she can use it on a relative who is having some medical problems and also on her cat in the morning :) So I will have my first official student on Sunday February 15. I am very excited about this. Misa will get her 3 and 4th level in Komyo Reiki from before this. She will help me with any language problems I have with the Japanese aspect of it. The student studied psychology in university and feels fairly confident to take the lessons in English, but it is nice to have the Japanese support. Thank you very much Misa!
Sometime in March we will go to meet Hayakuten Sensei and have him re-confirm Misa's teacher level in Komyo Reiki.
The amount of synchronicities that I have been experiencing these last two weeks is mind boggling. Every day I wake up wondering what will happen next.
So I look forward to what awaits for our third meeting on Wednesday.
Until next time--
Be well everyone.
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