Wednesday January 21st was the opening day of the Minoh (Osaka) Komyo Reiki Kai. The energy was amazing. I was on a "reiki high" for two days after. Even the car accident that I had that same day before the reiki circle ended up being a blessing in disguise. We had 6 people who had never experienced reiki before and their enthusiasm and satisfaction with their experience made this evening all the more sweet. We also had 3 other people for whom this was their first reiki circle.
1月21日水曜日に、大阪(箕面)光明レイキ会第一回がありました。 エネルギーは驚くべきものでした。 私は2日後までレイキでハイな状態でした。レイキ会の前に起きた車のアクシデントまでもが結局は幸運になりました。
We had a long distance healing that we did for 6 people. This was another thing for which I am very greatful. I must admit even being a reiki teacher that I am sometimes a little skeptical as to the long distance healing's validity, but this evenings occurences bring me closer to erasing all doubt. One of the people on the list apologized the next day for falling asleep when we were suposed to be giving the healing. They said they got hot and sleepy all of a sudden so they missed seeing what would happen for the healing. This happened at exactly the same time as we were giving the healing! This is the classic reaction that people have when they are strongly affected by a reiki treatment. Another person reported an amazing relief of a very serious lower back pain that had been afflicting her for 3 days. Another person reported feeling sleepy and warm while realizing that this was the reiki. Two other people reported tingly sensations in their hand. And the other person claimed to feel warm. Very interesting. I will let you all make your own conclusions as to the efficacy of long distance healing. I am slowly becoming a believer. I think it will be interesting to keep this in the program and see what happens.
私はレイキティーチャーでありながら、遠隔レイキヒーリングによる効果を少し懐疑的にとらえていたことを認めなければいけません。しかし、この晩の出来事は私にとってすべての疑問を消すことができました。遠隔のリストの中の一人はヒーリングの施行時に理由が分からないが寝てしまったと謝りました。眠気を催すことはレイキのヒーリング効果がある時の良く知られた反応なのです。他の人は数日前に起こった辛いぎっくり腰の改善を報告しました。また別の人は暖かさと眠さを感じました。ピリビリや温もりを主張する人も他にいました。非常に興味深いことです。私は長距離ヒーリングに効力があったと結論づけることにしましょう。私は徐々に確信しています。 私はこの計画を続けたら、どんな幸運があるか興味があります。
Atsuko San, Mizuho San, and Koyago San especially were very helpful in making this day a wonderful success. Of course we won't forget our honored guest Hyakuten Sensei, without whom we never could have started this. Misa Sakamoto and her whole family have made this so easy. I could not imagine better partners for the reiki circle.
あつこさん、瑞穂さん、古家後さんは、この日を素晴らしい成功にする際に非常に役立ってくださいました。 もちろん、私たちは名誉ある百天先生を忘れないでしょう。(私たちは先生なしでこれを決して始めることができませんでした)。また、阪本さんと彼女の家族全員はこれをとても容易くしてくれました。
I am looking forward to next week with no expections and endless anticipation of this unknown.
Until next time, peace and light to you all.
Jeremy Ferrera (Reiki Teacher)
師範:Jeremy Ferrera
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