
November 3 Reiki Share 大阪光明レイキ

It's getting colder! There is nothing better to get the blood flowing and keep the hands and feet warm than going to a Reiki share. In the winter time I especially find that I need the solace and comfort of our Wednesday Reiki share.

We had a new student get her first attunement in the afternoon and then she joined later in the evening as well. She seemed very eager and excited to try and feel more of the Reiki energy.

We also had a surprise visit from one of our teaching peers that occassionally comes to visit. A lovely couple from Suita. She is a teacher and he is an Okuden student of Hyakuten Sensei's. They teach together and blessed us with a wonderful photo of Usui Sensei that we will always have on display now for the Reiki Shares.

Along with those two guests, we have been having a mother from just up the street and her 2 children (one a 4 year old boy and another his seven year old sister) join us. At first it looked like it was going to be pretty tough with the two kids together. When they come separately, they are so well behaved and quiet, but when they came together the first time it was very loud and not so conducive to the quiet peaceful atmosphere that everyone expects when they come. Last week however, they seemed to easy into the reiki wave and now it seems like they will be able to vibrate on the same frequency as the rest of us. It was really amazing to watch the transformation. Reiki works in mysterious ways :)

Things closed up with a nice long tea break, and we all went home a little warmer in heart and body.

Until next time. . .

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