
Osaka Komyo Reiki May 19 Reiki Share 大阪光明レイキ

Tonight was a very interesting night. We had our first person come as a result of the flyers that we made. It is fun to see reiki through the eyes of someone new to it. As is often the case she became very sleepy. For some reason that is a very common effect. It is usually a very good sign. It means that the person is very sensitive to Reiki energy and has managed to absorb a lot of it. That is how it was for me the first times I had Reiki. During my Chuden 2nd Level Attunement I was so excited to learn new ways to use Reiki, but the Reiki energy made me so sleepy it took all my energy just to stay awake during the lesson and I couldn't pay attention to the material being presented. I was frustrated and a little dissapointed, but I know now that something needed to happen that night and Reiki energy was accomodating that happening.

We ended the night with a nice long tea time and sent our sleepy newcomer on her way with the assurance that she was going to be extra genki tomorrow.

Until next time. . .

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