The full moon is always a wonderful night to have a reiki share on. We started the night with Misa's patented full moon meditation. We had two members who had never done it before so she gave a wonderful description. Everyone held her round selenite stones in their hands and it made for a very deep energetic experience.
It was a nice comfortable reiki share. It reminded me of how far we have come in just one year. I always know that there will be someone coming to the reiki share now. At the begining we never knew if anyone was going to come. After all there were only about 4 or 5 possiblities. Now we have a strong group of over 20 people that could come at any given time. And the numbers are growing.
There was a feeling of old friends that never miss a beat. We had one member who has been very busy for months and hasn't made it. She came last night and it was like she hadn't been gone. One of our new attendees just decided to get her 1st level so we will look forward to watching her grow in her reiki skills.
I actually started the night out with a mild headache and found that by the end of the night it had gone away. It shouldn't be much of a surprise really, but still always something to be greatful for, and after almost 30 years of migraines something that sometimes seems to good to be true. But it is!
Well that is all for now. Until next time. . .
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