This was our last reiki share of 2009, and it was a great energy. It happened to fall on the new moon so we all had a wonderfully powerful new moon meditation and also welcomed a new student. She sounds like she will be a nice monthly addition as she can't come every week, but has felt called to reiki for some time. We had a very live and and talkative time. Everyone seemed to be excited for the break and also wanted to get in good quality time together before we all go our separate ways for the next month.
One of our members was particularly run down and actually looked and sounded quite ill with a cold, but by the end of the reiki share she seemed strong, alert, and healthy by the end. The change from tired eyes to bright and shiny eyes was particualarly striking and is one of the many reminders that I continuously get of the benefits and reality of the healing power of reiki.
I continue to practice Ho'oponopono with my reiki and I have found it to really raise my ability to let reiki flow.
I love you,
I'm sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you.
Until next year. . . .
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