
November 4th Reiki Share

Tonight was a night of "sashiburi." We had two faces that we hadn't seen for quite some time. The highlight for everyone seemed to be the Boji Stone that Misa had ordered from a company in the U.S. The company was founded in 1972 and claims the stone has energy balancing properties unique to any other stone.

Here is a link to a site with a short explanation of this mysterious stone:


They are sold in pairs. One is favorable to male energy and the other to female energy.

Two people were very profoundly affected by the stone during their reiki healing session. One person had a swirling wave sensation in their hand as they held it and the other started to tear up in her left eye.

Very interesting.

Other than that it was a nice quiet meeting with a relaxed atmosphere and an extra long tea break where everyone got to talk and catch up.

I feel very grateful to have such a nice growing group of people around to encourage and heal with.

Until next time. . .

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