
April 29th Reiki Share

What an exciting night it was! Doing Reiki on a holiday definitely has it's perks. We had 3 new faces tonight. It was a very dynamic group tonight. Everyone enjoyed each others company very well.

4 of our regular members have decided to get their 2nd level in the middle of May so that is exciting news as well. Future congratulations.

We managed to start the night almost on-time with a 10 minute meditation, followed by a Reiki Circle and short atunements.

At the tea break we did a long distance healing for the uncle of one of our regular members. He has cancer. She is looking forward to getting her second level this month so that she can give him long distance healings by herself and whenever she wants to.

So we are a growing group both in numbers and in friendship.

Let's keep up the good work :)

Until next time. . .

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