
New Beginnings!

On friday I met with Misa Sakamoto to propose my idea of starting a weekly reiki meeting in Minoh, Osaka. Kansai is in need of a reiki meeting on Thursdays so we agreed that this would be the best day. We went to the Minoh Sun Plaza room rental office and looked at a room in the basement that should do nicely as a room for reiki. It has dimmable lights and tables and chairs so that we can do sitting elevated reiki group healing sessions like the Komyo Reiki meetings in Kyoto.

I will be getting my teacher's fourth level in Komyo reiki in December from Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei in December so we tentatively agreed to start it on January 15th or 22, 2009. We hope to have a very good balance of both foreigners and Japanese at this meeting. It would make for a very unique and multi-cultural Reiki Kai. The possibilities are exciting!

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